QA consulting
Stronger coordination, transparent procedures and an integrated approach
4M consulting deals with all facets of product life cycle management
When you might need a consultation with QA
Growing number of projects
need for a more documented and structured approach
Reorganization or rapid company growth
old processes become outdated
Quality decrease due to bottlenecks
in QA/development/BA and communications
Adoption of new methodologies or practices
e.g., Scrum, Continuous Integration, Test-Driven Development
4-step solution
Conversation with main stakeholders
Analyze workflows, current procedures, and methods
Determine vulnerabilities
Plan and build solutions
Build a path map
Find new ideas
Tracking the process
Lead you through potential issues
Clear and observable IT procedures
Implementation and optimization of infrastructure (tracking systems, environmental testing)
Closer and more efficient QA partnership, growth and business divisions
A revised approach to test the program
Clear view of the expense of the project and more detailed budgeting
Working environment tailored to your activities and procedures
Less human errors and communication problems; greater job performance
Optimized efforts and expenses for production and QA
Why select 4M as a vendor for testing your software?
+Full-time QA
Assistance in the
implementation of Agile
(CI, TDD, test automation, etc.)
Fair and impartial
approach to
consultation with
the QA
Experience in
ventures where
business theory is